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(See the label for directions.) Another option is to trap them. The Tomcat® Mole Trap is fast and easy to set, plus it kills moles without drawing blood. Within a week I have not seen new mole tracks. I just put some bait in the tracks I knew were active thanks to the easy to follow instructions on the container.Young Golden Spider Monkeys, $27.50 or four for $100. INSTRUCTIONS BOOKS fir CARTOONS ASTROLOGY OCCULT— EASY LESSONS, books, tarot, psychic aids, From reader in Indianapolis " look at them all! one weeks worth of origami. not all of them are from your site. row 6: spider,pigeon,flapping crane,turtle. ( Samantha Eynon - Mole paper toy Paper Puppets, Paper Toys, Forest Friends, Paper Easy Crafts for Kids - Crafty Critters Video tutorial.
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